So things around the studio are really intense and exciting. Something about the summer that forces us to really get down to business. there is an amazing energy that presents itself when all of us are withing speaking distance and able to give immediate feedback. Sean's designs are really coming along, that guy just works without stop. He's been pumping out the identity of our company (ie. brand image etc.) and creating a mailer and formal announcement for our business presentations this coming july. Jr's modeling in maya, finishing up last minute characters for the game. Sorry i can't give out specifics on the name or what exactly we are producing... i think we're a bit superstitious. this next month will be a test to see what our company can do.
soon i'll let you know of out website... i'll need some feedback.
here are some more recent drawings for a project im developing/writing.
ps. im learing javascript... a not so easy task.